Spring Cleaning: Our Top Tips For Making A Head Start
January is flying by and there’s a definite touch of spring in the air. Why not make a head start on your spring cleaning with these excellent tips!
Be Prepared
I’m a big believer in lists. This is why before I ever embark on a project, big or small, I write down my goals. Whether you’re planning on refreshing the whole house or simply want to give the kids old toys a tidy out. Write down what you’d like to achieve and break this into manageable and achievable chunks. There’s nothing worse than feeling overwhelmed before you even begin!
Start Small
Before the spring cleaning begins in earnest the best thing to do is declutter. Those McDonald’s toys the kids have been hoarding for the last six years? Donate them. The scraps of paper with a single stroke of pencil on that linger in the bottom of the kid's school bags? Bin them. You get the gist!
Clothing, shoes and old bags can all be donated to a charity shop or clothes bank. Just search for ‘clothing donations near me’ for a list of places local to you. Often your child’s school will have a uniform bank that you can also donate old school clothes to as well, so if you’ve got any old uniform lying about make the most of these!
Storage, Storage, Storage
A place for everything and everything in its place. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m guilty of letting a system I’ve worked hard to put in place fall apart. But having good quality, appropriate storage makes the actual day-to-day act of keeping things tidy SO much easier.
I absolutely adore these lockers from Mustard Made for keeping toys and clothes organised. You can accessorise them with a range of matching baskets and hangers too, which makes them really versatile. Plus they come in a load of fun colours!
For smaller storage take a look at these new storage boxes from Liewood. Brilliant for any room in the house, they’re incredibly versatile and perfect for getting organised.

Keep it Green
When it comes down to the actual spring cleaning, it can often be tempting to go straight in with the chemicals. However, what we use in our homes can have a big impact on the planet. So, where possible, it’s great to try and swap out the chemicals for a kinder, more eco-friendly alternative.
There are so many wonderful brands available now. With them appearing more and more often in the local supermarket's aisle, picking up an eco-alternative needn’t be a hassle. This article from Cosmopolitan UK has a great list of eco-friendly products.
Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff
At the end of the day, the most important thing to remember is that nobody’s house is perfect. Comparing your loved and lived-in home to the insta-perfect interiors of Instagram is not only unrealistic but can often lead to unhealthy comparisons.
We have five people living in our house and I gave up on the idea of perfection a long time ago. If I don’t put the washing away for a few days I try not to panic, because it usually means I’ve spent that time reading a bedtime story to the kids or taking a long bath instead. I know I will get it done eventually. So don’t be too hard on yourself and remember to slow down and enjoy the mess and mayhem sometimes too.