Introducing Music to Your Kids
Introducing Music to Your Kids
I am lover of music and it pains me that I have ‘The Wheels on The Bus’ constantly going on in my head. Music gives me a sense of identity and ‘The Wheels on The Bus’ just wasn’t cutting it! We listen to a lot of music in our household and I have been watching what songs get the best reaction out of Eden, my 10 month old daughter. Not only does this mean that I have been listening to a huge array of music but also I’ve been trying to understand the science behind it.
A study found that one-year-old babies who participate in interactive music classes with their parents smile more, communicate better and show earlier and more sophisticated brain responses to music.
Et voila, here are our top 5 tunes to get your baby’s foot tapping and your bum wiggling:
- Miss Ella's Playhouse: Ella Fitzgerald.
- Naked As We Came: Iron & Wine.
- My Girl: The Temptations.
- Beautiful Boy - John Lennon.
- Here For You: Neil Young.
What songs are at the top of your charts? We’d love to know!